The Direct Service Agency (DSA), also referred to as Agency Option, provides service delivery of all the CLASS services and CFC provider-managed services as identified on the individual plan if care (IPC).
The DSA is responsible for:
Implementing and delivering the services that are identified on the Individual Service Plan
Participating as a member of the Interdisciplinary Team
Recruit, Select, credential, set wages/benefits, schedule and manage payroll and employment records for your attendants and substitutes, with input from you about your needs.
Once adaptive aids (AA) or minor home modifications (MHM) are authorized, assure that the items are provided, and verify satisfaction with the AA or MHM.
Report any changes to the case manager and the participant’s physician if appropriate.
Coordinate with the CMA and other service providers as necessary to ensure IPP-A and IPC revisions are initiated.
Develops a PAS/Habilitation Plan -CLASS/DBMD/CFC for individuals receiving CFC PAS/HAB services
Complete enrollment and annual eligibility documents
Participate in developing an IPC that addresses all of the individual’s needs that will be met through the provision of CLASS or CFC services;
Participate in developing the IPP-A using person-centered planning processes for each individual.